Homemade Keylime "Larabars"

My hubs was eating Larabars like crazy last year! At least one a day, which gets pretty pricey.

I’m always trying to find ways to make meals from scratch so I took on the Larabar.

While these aren’t EXACTLY like Larabars, my husband said he actually liked these more. I’ll chalk that up as a win!

The Modern Life Mrs - Homemade Larabar


NOTE: I choose all organic ingredients for this recipe to avoid pesticides , heavy metals, and other chemicals.

  • 1 cup almonds

  • 1 cup cashews

  • 1 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)

  • 12 medjool dates (pitted)

  • juice of 1-2 key limes (depending on how much lime flavor you want)


  1. Put the the cashews, coconut and almonds in a food processor until they are ground to a powder

  2. Add the dates and lime juice to the mixture until a dough forms. 
    NOTE: If the dough seems to dry you can add a little water

  3. Line a glass dish with parchment paper, or lightly grease using coconut oil

  4. Spread dough into the the dish using a spatula

  5. Once the dough is even in the pan, add a light dusting of coconut flakes, then press dough down with your hands (use parchment paper on top to avoid hands sticking)

  6. Place in the fridge for a few hours to set. Then cut into rectangular pieces and wrap with parchment paper to avoid sticking.

    **I store these in the fridge and it works really well*
