Boosting Immunity for Newborns

I have yet to share Bryce’s birth story––it’s on my big giant to-do list! But part of the story involved him being taken from me right after birth to the NICU. He was given 3 rounds of antibiotics (cringe) and also formula with ingredients like high fructose corn syrup (cringe again).

He developed some skin reactions shortly after we got home from the hospital and I can tell he has some gut issues from the antibiotics sweeping his mircobiome.

So how do I boost my baby boy’s immune system for the upcoming winter? Lemme share with ya!

Copyright The Modern Life Mrs


We have been giving him an infant probiotic every other day to build up the good bacteria in his belly. It’s important to start babies out slow on probiotics and work your way up as needed. They may get a little fussy at first while their tummies “do their thing”.


We did a lot of research and found this DHA/D3 supplement to have a lot of good reviews! We just started using this one, so far so good!


We got Bryce adjusted shortly after he was born and couldn’t believe how well he slept the rest of that day and night. I am now a true believer in chiropractic! Our friend Terry specializes in adjusting pregnant women and infants (she adjusted me while pregnant and it was a lifesaver!). So I highly suggest going to someone who has a specialty in infants so you know your child is in the best hands…LITERALLY.


This is a BIG one for boosting immunity. Unfortunately, I am not able to breastfeed for many reasons and it hasn’t always been easy for me to accept that. But we did get some donor breastmilk and some amazing friends who have been pumping extra so Bryce can have one breastmilk bottle a day. These women are our Godsends!

Baby boy will be getting all of their antibodies to help him fight off all the nasties that could get him sick.

Also, make sure if you are breastfeeding to be eating a nutrient dense diet! You want to jam-pack that milk with healthy food and supplements to pass along to your babe.


Colostrum is the first milk that comes from a mother (human and animal). Colostrum is a SUPERFOOD! It contains, peptides, immunoglobulins like IgG, IgA, and IgM, lactoferrin, cytokines, and a large number of different antibodies to support the immune system. But since human colostrum is just produced in those first days of birth, we can use animal colostrum to supplement. Make sure your source comes from pasture raised, grass-fed goats or cows and that they are fed a non-GMO and organic diet that is grass-based. And of course no hormones or antibiotics given!


I love skin-to-skin time with my boy! It bonds us but I also love knowing it’s helping build his immunity. Typically before bed is when I like to do our skin-to-skin time. It relaxes us both and helps me really focus on him and wind down from the crazy day!

Nature + Sunlight

Bryce was getting sunshine since the first week he was born. We would lay him in sunlight coming in from the windows on a daily basis. Diaper free and all! It really helped a lot of his rashes and baby acne. The doctor also said it could help with his jaundice.

I personally am a huge believer that sunshine heals. In winter I get so down and sluggish, but the second sunshine hits my face I feel refreshed! I know it does so much healing and immunity building for my boy.

We also take him on walks as much as we can to get him outdoors. Nature builds immunity, people! Get those babies outside.

Air Quality

So many allergens and crap float around in our air! We have air purifiers all over our house but recently made the investment for the best of the best, the Air Doctor! If you can swing it, I highly recommend this system.

Other tips…

Here are some other tips for keeping your little one healthy this season.

  1. Make sure to wash your hands, especially when you’ve been out and about. I see so many sick people in the grocery store and it always gives me the “gahhh” feeling. I carry sanitizer in my purse and make sure to wipe down all the cart handles and my hands after I enter my card information on the pin-pad.

  2. Change your clothes right away when you come home. My doctor gave me this tip and I think it’s a pretty good one! If you’ve been out and in crowds of people (grocery store, wedding, business events, etc) strip down right at the door and put the clothes in the laundry right away.

  3. Build up your own immunity! If you get sick it’s more likely your baby will catch it too. So build your immunity with thieves essential oil, elderberry, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, bone broth, and a diet with nourishing foods. Cut the sugar as much as you can (I know it’s harder during the holidays).

  4. If you’re feeling like you’re coming down with something pretty intense, sleep in a separate room from your baby and avoid kissing them (I know that’s tough!) I have some face masks in the house just in case. Mom’s keep breastfeeding! You will pass along antibodies to your little one through your milk.

  5. Over love on your baby. Stress can lead to illness. Take the time to be present and love that little bug EXTRA hard!

  6. Know your baby still may get sick. This one is a hard one for me to swallow––I get upset if he is fussy from a stuffy nose, let alone a full-blown cold or flu. But if our babies DO get sick, we take the precautions necessary and help them heal. On the bright side, if they do come down with something their body will create antibodies and that will actually improve their longterm immunity.


**I am not a health professional. I just speak from my own experiences and research. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or trying new supplements.